Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What Lay Behind the Horrors of the Slave Trade free essay sample

What Lay Behind The Horrors Of The Slave Trade? In this article I would look at what lay behind the revulsions of the slave exchange. This exposition will incorporate the nations that were engaged with the slave exchange, how they profited by it and the force they had over the subjugated Africans. The slave exchange worked in a triangle, between four mainlands: Europe, Africa, South America and North America.Slave ships leave ports like London, Bristol and Liverpool for West Africa conveying produced products like weapons, liquor, iron bars, which are exchanged for African men, ladies and kids who had been caught by slave dealers or purchased from African hives on the West African coast. From Africa a boat brimming with slaves leaves to America and the West Indies, where they are offered to the most noteworthy bidder and that is the place families are isolated. When they have been purchased, after that they had a place with the manor proprietor. We will compose a custom paper test on What Lay Behind the Horrors of the Slave Trade? or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Some wouldn't be oppressed and took their live, others flee and pregnant lady wanted to have a fetus removal than to bring up their kids into servitude. With the cash produced using the offer of oppressed Africans, products, for example, sugar, espresso and tobacco were purchased and reclaimed to Britain available to be purchased. The boats were stacked with produce from the manors for the journey back home. For more than 300 years, European nations constrained Africans onto slave delivers and moved them over the Atlantic Ocean however how did the individuals back in Britain engage in the slave trade?As the slave exchange developed, various of individuals started to get included or just profited by it. Banks and account houses in Britain started to develop from the charges and the premium they earned from traders who acquired cash for their journeys. Bristol and Liverpool became significant ports for slave ships, dealing with cargoes they brought back and somewhere in the range of 1700 and 1800, Liverpool populace drastically rose from 5,000 to 78,000. Others worked in production lines that had been set up with the cash from the slave trade.The slave exchange additionally gave different employments back in Britain, many worked in industrial facilities which offered their merchandise to West Africa, and these merchandise will at that point be exchanged for slaves. Birmingham likewise included itself by having 4,000 weapon creators with 1 00,000 firearms a year People in Britain werent the one in particular who profited by the slave exchange, West African pioneers engaged with the exchange additionally profited by catching and exchanging Africans to the Europeans since they are the person who got all the fabricated merchandise that were exchanged for slaves. The African boss were likewise interminable themselves with all the cash t hat they got from exchanging Africans.My see is that due to the advantages they had, it implies that they were additionally included and think without them the exchange wouldnt of happened on the grounds that they are the person who caught slave for the Europeans, along these lines they cleared a way for the slave exchange to occur. Awful, the West Indies and the Americans were clearly included in light of the fact that they are the ones who purchased and possessed the slaves for their manors. Manor proprietors who utilized slave work to develop their harvests and the way that they didnt need to pay the slave made them tremendous profits.Often grower resigned to Britain with the benefits they made and had stupendous nation houses previously worked for them. Some grower utilized their cash carefully, to become MSP and others put their benefits in new plants and developments wish assisted with financing the Industrial Revolution. Might want to presume that for me the greatest repulsions that lay behind the slave exchange is the means by which other African exchanged their own sort for fabricated products, how merciless the Africans were treated on the slave boats and ranches and the force that the Europeans , the Americans, and some different Africans had over the slaves. So imagine that the slave exchange Was pointless, however each one of those four landmasses that were included profited by it somehow as they all assumed significant jobs in light of the fact that without o ne, let say the West Indies and Americans, who might of purchased every one of those slave? Or on the other hand which ranches would the slaves have taken a shot at? What's more, the slave exchange wouldnt have been so fruitful or profiting without one side of the triangle. Or on the other hand without the slave we wouldnt have what we have today yet think the manner in which they rewarded individuals of color was faulty and shouldnt needed to occur all together for the nations to have riches.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Effects of Management Style on Employee Performance Essay

The Effects of Management Style on Employee Performance - Essay Example Initiative style of the executives is fundamental in characterizing both the course and the presentation of an association. In any case, the corporate world is loaded with one-directional pioneers who focus the entire of dynamic on only them (Uchenwamgbe, 2013). Such pioneers are dictator, and will just talk with the top administration, best case scenario, while having the organization of the association fixated on them as it were. Such pioneers don't welcome the cooperation of subordinates, yet rather expects them to follow orders. All things considered, understand that the need to have subordinates engaged with the hierarchical dynamic is anything but a passing extravagant (Mullins, 2007). Worker investment is established somewhere down in the way of life of fruitful associations, and no uncertainty keeps on driving them. The other serious issue influencing the corporate world authority is the absence of credibility of the pioneers in various initiative and the board limits. Conseq uently, such pioneers neglect to characterize their own style of initiative, somewhat attempting to imitate and duplicate the administration procedures of other striking pioneers. As a rule, such duplicated authority styles need merit, while such pioneers comes up short on the competency to apply the replicated initiative styles to accomplish the set objectives and focuses of the associations (Uchenwamgbe, 2013). When this occurs, the acknowledgment of the set hierarchical objectives, just as provide the proper guidance and direction to the representatives is tossed into confusion.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Substitute Teacher Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips

Substitute Teacher Resume Examples, Template, and Resume Tips Virtually everyone can remember going to school one day and seeing that the class is held by a substitute teacher and almost everyone I know remembers that, at the time, the kids were giving a hard time to the substitute teacher.Maybe it was because then we as kids felt more in control or because the teacher didn’t know how to impose proper authority.On the contrary, everyone remembers having that one cool substitute teacher that was “better” than your regular one, so you didn’t want him or her to go, but there was nothing you could do.Anyways, being a substitute teacher, as do most jobs, has its ups and downs but what’s important is that you can make a living out of that profession and it is a great way to start your teaching career and slowly work your way up to become a full-time teacher or professor.Believe it or not, substitute teachers are always in demand mainly because no one can predict if the regular teacher will get sick, quit their job, have a family emergency o r even get maternity leave, so someone has to take their place in the time of their absence.Today we are going to give you two examples of how to write a substitute teacher resume, and after that, we will go through each section step by step giving you a complete guide on how your resume should look like.So let’s not waste any more time and jump straight into it!Substitute Teacher Resume Example Right Substitute Teacher Resume Sample Right Create your own resumeOkay, now that weve shown you how your resume should look like, we can go ahead and walk you through every section step by step and give you more insight on how to write it and what you should avoid at all costs.Also, after that, we are going to give you some basic tips and tricks you can use which will make your resume look even more professional so that you don’t have any difficulties in getting the job you’re applying for.And, if you still have some questions on how to write your resume, then we recommend you try out our resume builder which will give you all the tools you need for your resume to work out just perfect, but we will talk about that later.Let’s begin our guide!GUIDE ON WRITING THE PERSONAL INFO SECTIONIt’s very obvious that you need to provide some personal information when you are applying for a new job position and you shouldn’t assume that your employer will use the information to try and spy on you, but rather just for the usual b ackground check-up as you will very likely be working with children.That being said, you should look at the Personal Info section as your business card and the usual information which is displayed on a business card is:your full namehome or office addressphone numbere-mailsocial mediaRarely will an employer ask you for your photograph and he should specify that it is required before you send your resume, so you don’t have to worry about it too much.Also, your address sometimes isnt necessary, but you should write it anyway.When it comes to your full name, you should always provide your birth name or, in case youve changed it, the name on your ID card and you should stay clear of nicknames because your employer, colleagues, and students are going to you as Mr. or Mrs. X (X meaning your last name).Tom Klein RightTommy Klein WrongNext, you should create a new E-Mail account which you will be using just for work, and its a good idea to do that for social media as well because its ea sy to mix-up your private life and your work life so keeping those two things separate makes it a lot less difficult to handle.Also, your LinkedIn profile is very important, if you don’t have one then you should create it because it will serve as a secondary resume and you can add everything you’ve accomplished throughout your whole carrier so that your employer knows what other important information he needs to know about you skills you may have that aren’t listed on your resume.Keep your E-Mail addresses clean and professional and use your full name or initials, and the same applies for social media:Contact Informationmichele.t.kennedy@gmail.comwww.linkedin.com/in/robert-sommers/twitter.com/ashley_taylor RightContact Informationminniemouse43@gmail.comwww.linkedin.com/in/robert-sommers53980924/twitter.com/little.tea.pot553 WrongWith all of this being said, even though you are working with children, and it’s a relaxed environment, you still need to be a professional.GUIDE ON WRITING THE SUMMARY SECTIONWriting a great summary is one of the most important segments of your resume because in this section you are briefly explaining to your employer what he should expect from you and what do you feel like should be emphasized as being your most important skills and accomplishments.On the contrary, you shouldn’t set high expectations, but rather just two, max three sentences which describe your past experiences and your work ethics so the employer knows if he should continue reading your resume or not.You want to stay clear of writing boring information about yourself which dont explain what your accomplishments were at your past job positions and should focus more on literally nitpicking some of the most important highlights of your career.SummaryI am a college-educated experienced substitute teacher with a bachelors degree in modern history, and I have worked in schools such as Boston Renaissance Charter Public School. I have great communication skills, and I take pride in working with young bright minds and that being said, I feel enthusiastic about transferring my knowledge to young intellectuals. RightSummaryIve graduated from college and got a job as a substitute teacher. I like working with children because their subjects are easier to teach. I think I will do just fine working for your school. Wrong Pro TipSide tip:Write the summary when you finish your resume and that way you have no risks of making expectations which won’t be met and you avoid your summary sounding bland and boring.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EXPERIENCE SECTIONYour experience is very important when you are applying for a new job because every employer wants someone who already has some experience in that line of work so that you don’t need someone to teach you how to do your job.When listing your past work experience, you should write in which period you’ve been an employee at your past workplace, which company, or in this case in which school or academy have you’ve worked for and what was your job title.Also, you should add two or three sentences about your accomplishments at your job or a quick description of your responsibilities but dont write things which fit your job title and which are obvious such as: Right WrongTwo important notes:If you have been teaching 4th graders and lower grade-level, you can write that you’ve managed the classroom’s behavior because at that age it is very important for a student’s well-being that he or she learns discipline.You should list the full name of the school you’ve worked at and the city it’s located in so that your employer can check to see if it is an accredited school.GUIDE ON WRITING THE EDUCATION SECTIONIf you are going to teach a group of students something you need to know the subject you are teaching very well, so a high-school diploma wont cut it.Most schools require a bachelor’s degree, and that’s a bare minimum because they want to ensure that the students get the best education available and that their staff is professional.So if you were a hardworking student back in your college days, now is the time to flaunt with your academic accomplishment, and in your list, you should include:The college you’ve graduated fromYour GPA score if it is highSeminars you’ve attended and projects you’ve been a part ofStudent organizations you’ve joinedIt’s also important to list where did you get your educator’s license and if you’ve completed any other courses or obtained other certificates.A great idea would be to list your education counter-chronological so that you write your most recent academic successes first.Also, you don’t have to list the high-school you’ve graduated from because it’s quite obvious that you’ve finished it since you’ve graduated from college as well.GUIDE ON WRITING THE SKILLS SECTIONLast but not least, we need to dwell a little deep into the Skills section because there are some skills which you should have to be a great, professional substitute teacher and fill in the role of the regular teacher, without changing of the overall flow of the curriculum.Pedagogy is a must-have skill, meaning that you must know how to approach a student with the required learning material and how to make the class interesting for everyone individually but also the whole classroom.You shouldn’t be too strict but also have some authority in the classroom and have great communication skills because you need to remember that the students are there to learn from you and you need to transfer your knowledge in the best way possible so that they can advance academically to the next stage of their education.Also, you should list here which subjects you teach your students and also if you speak another language because that can be very helpful in multicultural environments which schools often are.When listing your skillset, you should avoid writing trivial things such as:SkillsExcellent teaching skills of subjects such as biology and chemistry.Experienced with working with 4th to 8th-grade level studentsGreat at communicating with students and creating group assignmentsFluent in French RightSkillsGreat at teaching students mathExcellent at making a fun atmosphere for studen tsNot too strictCan understand soap operas without subtitles â€" semi bilingual WrongAs you can see you should specify at which grade level do you feel most comfortable working with because not all grade levels have the same needs, so you need to know how to approach your students with the subjects that they need to learn.TIPS TRICKSResume length â€" Ideally, your resume should be just one page long, two pages maximum, but even that can be too much because sometimes you can even fit the whole resume on half a page and it is important to remember that employers don’t really spend that much time on reading resumes so you should keep it short as possible.Highlighting â€" Because your resume should be short, you should use highlights to emphasize things such as your past work experience, education, and skills so you get the employers attention but dont highlight unimportant things because you will seem unprofessional.Bulleting â€" With highlighting, you should also use bullet points as they are much easier to scan and skim read than blocks of text, and the whole resume just looks clearer and nicely organized.Grammar â€" You should send your resume to a proofreader so that you eliminate any possible grammatical errors. It’s no big deal if you have some grammatical errors when you’re writing your CV, but not correcting them will surely damage your reputation, so be careful.Reviewing your resume â€" Apart from proofreading your resume, you should also get it checked by a professional or someone who has seen hundreds of resumes before because they can tell you what you need to add or remove so that your resume seems more professional.Tailoring your resume â€" You should always write a new resume for a specific job position because rarely will you find two job positions which require the same skillset and experience. Also, it’s a bit lazy to just use the same resume over and over again any as you are minimizing your chances of getting the job you’re applyin g for.Resume builder â€" If you still have some doubts about how to write your resume, feel free to try out our resume template builder as it will help you quickly add or delete the sections which you need so that you can tailor your resume for that specific job position.Formatting â€" Always have a physical copy of your resume and take it with you when you have a job interview because maybe your employer didn’t print one out and you should be prepared at any time. Also, make sure to have your resume in both PDF and TXT formats as those are the most standard formats being used in every company.Font â€" Never use handwritten font because it just seems unprofessional and isnt very clear to read. Instead, you should just go with the universal fonts such as Cambria, Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial and be sure to keep your resume all in one font because writing in multiple fonts just seems tacky.Updating â€" You should be updating your resume regularly so that you are always prepared when a perfect job opportunity comes knocking on your door. Be sure to update your social media as well.Check your E-Mail â€" Check your E-Mail at least twice a day because that way you wont miss out on potential replies from your employer because you can never be sure that they will call you on the phone number youve provided them. Check your spam folders as well because some E-Mails get filtered out, unfortunately.Political views â€" Stay clear of expressing your political, religious or other views, especially when you’re applying for a job which involves teaching students because no one wants to turn the plot of that German movie The Wave a reality.CONCLUSIONThats about it when it comes to writing a substitute teacher resume. Weve learned today roughly how your resume should look like and gave you some great examples, and weve also gone through all of the sections explaining how to write your resume in the best way possible.Try to remember which sections you should pay attenti on to the most, what to avoid writing in your resume and how to make your resume look more professional even by just glancing at it.We hope that we’ve answered all of your questions you might had, but if we missed some of them, then you should try our resume builder as it will quickly show you how to properly write a resume using any template that you think fits your next job position the best.Good luck on your job interview as we know you are going to get an E-Mail saying you are hired! Create your own resume

Friday, May 22, 2020

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee - 1045 Words

Brock A. Nuckols September 7, 2015 English 120 Wake Up And Smell The Coffee Fifty four percent of Americans wake up daily needing something to get them through the next nine to five, the next class, or even a day of laid-back enjoyment. Averagely spending one dollar and thirty eight cents for this fix, and roughly three hundred to five hundred dollars yearly, this leads one to wonder why this is and if its beneficial? As more than three- quarters of Americans drink coffee, says research from the National Coffee Association, it sustains its stature as one of America’s top daily beverage choices next to water. While many may not view coffee as an educational topic, its deals with several elements that can affect one’s life including†¦show more content†¦However, the study found that those who decreased their coffee intake by more than a cup per day increased their chance of type 2 diabetes by seventeen percent (6). Many will be sold at the simple fact that they are safer from diabetes because of drinking coffee. Heck! would have had me. Although, coffee can be looked at in an educational way because drinking it can offer health advantages, it can also be on the opposite side of the spectrum. Coffee contains caffeine which has been proven to be an addictive substance. Some may ask what is caffeine, and to describe it as just a ingredient in the normal cup of coffee will do it no justice. Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant which finds itself in the class of psychoactive drugs leading the race with being the most widely consumed. However, even though it is legal to consume it does bring problems. In the article,â€Å"Caffeine Addiction is No Joke for Some†, written by Laura Juliano, psychology professor at the American University in Washington D.C., â€Å"while many people can consume caffeine without harm, for some it produces negative effects, physical dependence, interferes with daily functioning, and can be difficult to give up, which are signs of problematic use†(8). When one tries to back off o f using coffee they encounter headaches, irritability, sleepiness, depression, and constipation. Despite what has just been said people are still inclined to wakeShow MoreRelatedWake Up and Smell the Coffee!6050 Words   |  25 PagesKassab ID #: 201204830 Khalil Yassine ID#: 201201037 February 12, 2013 Jack Kassab ID #: 201204830 Khalil Yassine ID#: 201201037 February 12, 2013 Lebanese American University (LAU) EMBA Wake Up and Smell the Coffee! Chapter 9 _ Time Value of Money Lebanese American University (LAU) EMBA Wake Up and Smell the Coffee! 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Saturday, May 9, 2020

Understanding Topics for Process Analysis Essay

Understanding Topics for Process Analysis Essay Topics for Process Analysis Essay Fundamentals Explained The very best idea would be to earn a plan, listing each and every detail you're likely to write about. As you finalize your topic choice, don't forget to pick a process you've completed many occasions and you may explain to somebody else. The most significant thing you need to not forget when selecting a topic is that the subject matter has to be interesting to your personally. Sometimes, there are various techniques to perform the procedure, and the writer should look at the audience's knowledge. New Ideas Into Topics for Process Analysis Essay Never Before Revealed It is of the utmost importance to start the essay with a systematic flow to be sure that your readers do not eliminate interest of reading your work till they complete it. You ought to make sure your reader keeps on reading. The reader has a better chance of understanding the instructions. In addition, do n ot forget to explain why he is to perform each step and what the overall purpose is. Guidelines play a critical function in ensuring that a specific action was conducted, as it should. If it's a process description, you should describe. When you choose the procedure you need to concentrate on, you then need to earn a list of steps necessary to attain the aims of the activity. Process analysis isn't simply describing the approach. Therefore, process analyses can be quite detailed and at times quite long. For those who haven't already mastered the process, it'll be really hard to learn and compose all at one time. It's not possible for all of us to comprehend every procedure which exists. The Advantages of Topics for Process Analysis Essay Before beginning to write, go at your own pace and think of process essay suggestions and topics you like. When selecting a topic, make certain you decide on a process topic that you understand best. The topic you select ought to be suitable for your intended audience. Picking an excellent topic makes it simpler to write since there's a need to decide on the reach of the topic that's neither too narrow nor too wide. Writing a process analysis essay paper on a particular topic is usually nightmare to several students. It is not so simple to compose a how-to essay. As a student, you want to master the art of selecting the right essay topic. Most the topics utilized for writing process essays are associated with academics. There are a great deal of topics that it is possible to utilize to produce the process analysis essay. Frequent topics may produce the reader eliminate interest in reading your essay. Make certain you select the best topic out of all process paper topics that you are able to think about. There are various topics that you can use in writing process essays. There isn't any particular order or rules on the best way to compose a process analysis essay outline. After all, your aim is to compose the greatest possible essay and make a top grade. Words and terms which may be uncommon are determined. Let's get going with a streak of process analysis essay topics that will help you on your way to an excellent process analysis essay. When you choose to look for essays for sale on the internet, you will be amazed by the amount of businesses offering custom writing services. If you wish to enhance your essay-writing abilities, produce an outline which will help you not to omit any impor tant info or idea. Needless to say, the content and data might be different, based on the sort of the essay. Also, there are a few safety measures that they might want to warn the reader about. If you're not sure that you are able to develop a substantial paper, then use an expert assistance, and receive a well-written essay that will correspond to the highest degree. There are several types of expository essays, and each one among them has its precise purpose and tone. You can find with new ideas for young girls who aspire to become one if you've got the present of style. The process essays are usually written for companies or people who need tutorials.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Swot Analysis of Netflix Free Essays

SWOT analysis for Netflix: Strengths: 1. Proprietary technology. Netflix has proprietary technology system to stream TV shows and movies and also including processing delivery and return DVDs. We will write a custom essay sample on Swot Analysis of Netflix or any similar topic only for you Order Now This specific system makes the business in Netflix more efficiency. 2. Goodwill and brand value. Netflix is a company with reputation. It has 15 years experiences and has a good deal of loyal consumers. 3. Competitive price. The service is in expensive in Netflix. It just cost 8 dollar per month and subscribers can enjoy unlimited viewing. 4. Simple service process. The service process in Netflix is simple. There are no commercials, no commitments, no contracts which can save consumer’s time and make the service more efficiency. 5. Open-minded managers. They continuously receive feedback from their consumers to change their strategy which makes the company more profitable and prevent many risks. 6. Good user experience. With just a little bit of timing, customers can have movies coming and going so as to almost always have a movie ready to watch. Which generating loyal and enthusiastic customers. Weakness: 1. Third-party logistics or third-party device. Netflix have to rely on third-party logistics or third-party device, which mean if consumers lose confident with US mail system or some devices company, it will have bad effect on the reputation of Netflix. 2. Laws and government regulations. As an industry rely on internet, Netflix has to keep continual attention to laws and government regulations and make a quick reaction if something changed. 3. Pricing power. It has to accept the rates and delivery schedules set by the U. S. postal service, as well as the rates set by streaming providers. . Weak of internet system. As the main service of Netflix is completed on internet, there has the chance that the system to be attacked by hacker and it will bring tremendous negative effect on Netflix. 5. Debts. Netflix have issued $400 million in debt offerings and may incur additional debt in the future, which may adversely affect their financial condition and future financial results. 6. Content d istribution. These are not exclusive, which allowing competitors access to the same movies and television shows, leaving the way open for competition. Opportunities 1. Branding value. Netflix can become the first thing people think of for watching movies at home, just like â€Å"Google† is the first thing many think of for searching. There’s been at least one instance of using the word â€Å"Netflix† as a verb, so this could be the beginning. 2. Technology changing. As the technology changing fast, Netflix can use continuously strategy changing to take the first mover advantage. 3. The big and increasing market. There have over 30 million members in over 50 countries enjoying over a billion hours of TV show and movies from Netflix every month. As the market is still increasing, there has a big opportunity for Netflix. 4. International expanding. As Netflix will expanding its domain outside United States, it will face many opportunities and challenges. 5. Distribution. As more subscribers come aboard, the value of Netflix as a distributor of content for studios goes up, leading to more pricing power for Netflix and less for the content producers. Threats 1. Competitors. That existing or new competitor  in the same domain, for example Google, YouTube and Amazon is the next most serious threat after Hulu. 2. Free ad-supported TV shows and movies. If large market segment bring for this kind of free TV shows and movies, the rate of growth in Netflix could be decline. 3. The liability for negligence, copyright or patent. Face the potential liability for content uploaded from their users. Netflix have the possible to be litigation if their consumers upload some videos illegal, which will cost Netflix a lot and will have negative results of their operation work. 4. The Copyright law change. If U. S. Copyright law were altered to amend or eliminate the First Sale Doctrine or if studios were to release or distribute titles on DVD in a manner that attempts to circumvent or limit the effects of the First Sale Doctrine, their business could be adversely affected. 5. Increasingly cost of their acquisition of DVD content and the logistic company. They are unable to negotiate with the studios because of consumers have lists and they have to buy the movies on the list. As labors cost more and more expensive the delivery DVDs cost is increasing. Risk 1. If Netflix efforts to attract and retain subscribers are not successful, their business will be adversely affected. 2. If Netflix unable to successfully or profitably compete with current and new competitors, programs and technologies, their business will be adversely affected, and they may not be able to increase or maintain market share, revenues or profitability. 3. If Netflix are unable to continue to recover from the negative consumer reaction to their price change and other announcements made during the third quarter of 2011, their business will be adversely affected. . If Netflix cannot foresee the consumer viewing habits exactly maybe it will make some wrong strategy and have adversely affected. 5. Many of their systems and operational practices were implemented when Netflix at a smaller scale of operations and they are undertaking efforts to migrate the vast majority of their systems to cloud-based processors. If they are not able to manage the growing complexity of their bu siness, including improving, refining or revising our systems and operational practices, their business may be adversely affected. . The big portion of goodwill in its total asset is also a risk. If they cannot provide good service and make consumers satisfied, it will suffer a very bad influence for its profit. If they are unable to protect their domain names, their reputation and brand could be adversely affected. 7. Delayed availability of new release DVDs for rental could adversely affect Netflix’s business. In January 2012, Warner Home Entertainment announced it was increasing the period of delay to fifty-six days. If other studios were to increase the period of delay and /or if their subscriber satisfaction is negatively impacted by this increase in the Warner delay, their business could be adversely impacted. 8. Proprietary technology to stream TV shows and movies and to manage other aspects of their operations, including processing delivery and return of their DVDs to their subscribers, and the failure of this technology to operate effectively could adversely affect their business. . In the event of an earthquake or other natural or man-made disaster, Netflix’s operations could be adversely affected. They may not be able to effectively shift their fulfillment and delivery operations to handle disruptions in service arising from these events. 10. They could be subject to economic, political, regulatory and other risks arising from their international operations. 11. They may lose key employees or may be unable to hire qualified employees. How to cite Swot Analysis of Netflix, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Summary of the first confession Essay Example

Summary of the first confession Essay Name: Instructor: Course: Date: We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of the first confession specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of the first confession specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Summary of the first confession specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Summary of the first confession The First Confession is a short story that talks about the experiences of a young boy, his family and the different events that shape his environment. The story begins with Jackie’s grandmother moving in to live with them at their home. The arrival of their grandmother is welcomed differently by the family members. While his mother was skeptical of her arrival, his father and sister, Nora was particularly fond and supportive of the old woman’s arrival. Jackie, on the other hand, did not like his grandmother’s attitude and behavior. She had a peculiar habit of going about life as if she was still in the countryside that included her unusual diet of potatoes and porter. Jackie was particularly averse to her cooking that landed him in trouble with his father. One event that made Jackie very apprehensive was the confession and communion. It was his first time, therefore; he was rather taken aback by Ryan, the old woman who administered the confessions. Ryan was almost as old as his grandmother was and had a great liking for preparing children for confession by dishing out stories about hell. Some of Ryan’s stories included one that involved a priest who was visited in his sleep by a man who did not confess all his sins. The man was regretfully asking the priest for another chance before he was suddenly sucked into hell before he could do so. Mrs. Ryan also gave the children daunting tasks such as displaying the intensity of the fire in hell by daring the children to hold their fingers over a candle flame. Mrs. Ryan also had a conscience exercise where she subjected all the children to the best ways of examining their inner selves. After this exercise, Jackie felt extremely guilty about all the things she had done to her grandmother. As much as these tactics were horrifying, they were also efficient in changing the children’s attitudes towards being truthful in the confessions. Jackie, therefore, tried to evade confession but Mrs. Ryan was particularly keen on all the children attending it so she sent for Jackie along with all the other children. On the way to the church, Nora tormented and criticized her for her bad behavior. Nora went in for confession before Jackie and soon enough came out in a pretentious holy pose. When it was Jackie’s turn, he entered the confession box and immediately became very confused. Jackie made a mistake and climbed on the shelf above the conversation window. When the priest slid back the window, he caught sight of Jackie dropping from the shelf that made him burst in a fit of angry questions over what Jackie was doing on the shelf. The question startled Jackie, and he fell flat on the church aisle outside the box. Nora then rushed and hit him in full view of the priest and the other church members. The priest stopped Nora from spanking Jackie and sent her away. The priest then told Jackie to wait for the other members to finish their confessions, as it was his first time that made him somewhat happier. Soon enough the priest called Jackie into confession. Jackie started on the issue of his grandmother whom he described as awful and evil. Jackie told the priest how his grandmother had favored his sister over him and how his father sided with the old woman. Jackie also revealed his plot to kill his grandmother and cut her into little pieces, as well as trying to kill his sister Nora by stabbing her with a bread knife. These confessions of murder surprised the priest especially because they were emanating from a very young boy. The priest, after hearing Jackie’s confessions, informed him of his wrongdoing and that if he did those wrong things, he would end up being hanged by the state. After ten minutes, they both left the confession box and walked up to the churchyard where the priest gave Jackie a couple of Bullseyes on which to suck. Nora immediately inquired what Jackie had not confessed to the priest. Jackie replied that he had said everything that he had though of doing o r had done. Jackie then told her than he had only been given three Hail Marys that irked Nora even more. In the end, even Nora regretted trying to pretend she was very well behaved and good.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Biography of Catherine Howard, Queen of England

Biography of Catherine Howard, Queen of England Catherine Howard (c. 1523–February 13, 1542) was the fifth wife of Henry VIII. During her brief marriage, she was officially the Queen of England. Howard was beheaded for adultery and unchastity in 1542. Fast Facts: Catherine Howard Known For: Howard was briefly the Queen of England; her husband Henry VIII ordered her to be beheaded for adultery.Born: 1523 in London, EnglandParents: Lord Edmund Howard  and  Joyce CulpeperDied: February 13, 1542 in London, EnglandSpouse: King Henry VIII (m. 1540) Early Life Catherine Howard was born in London, England, sometime around 1523. Her parents were  Lord Edmund Howard  and  Joyce Culpeper. In 1531, through the influence of his niece Anne Boleyn, Edmund Howard obtained a position as comptroller for Henry VIII in Calais. When her father went to Calais, Catherine Howard was placed in the care of Agnes Tilney, Dowager Duchess of Norfolk, her fathers stepmother.  Howard lived with Agnes Tilney at Chesworth House and then at Norfolk House. She was one of many young nobles sent to live under Agnes Tilneys supervision- and that supervision was notably loose.  Howards education, which included reading and writing and music, was directed by Tilney. Youthful Indiscretions About 1536, while living with Tilney at Chesworth House, Howard had a sexual relationship with a music tutor, Henry Manox (Mannox or Mannock). Tilney reportedly struck Howard when she caught the two together. Manox followed her to Norfolk House and tried to continue a relationship. Manox was eventually replaced in young Howards affections by Frances Dereham, a secretary and relative. Howard shared a bed at the Tilney home with Katherine Tilney, and the two were visited a few times in their bedchamber by Dereham and Edward Malgrave, a cousin of Henry Manox, Howards former love. Howard and Dereham apparently did consummate their relationship, reportedly calling each other husband and wife and promising marriage- what to the church amounted to a contract of marriage. Manox heard gossip of the relationship and jealously reported it to Agnes Tilney. When Dereham saw the warning note, he guessed it had been written by Manox, which implies that Dereham knew of Howards relationship with him.  Tilney again struck her granddaughter for her behavior and sought to end the relationship. Howard was sent to court, and  Dereham went to Ireland. At Court Howard was to serve as a lady in waiting to Henry VIIIs newest (fourth) queen, Anne of Cleves, soon to arrive in England. This assignment was probably arranged by her uncle, Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk and one of Henrys advisors.  Anne of Cleves arrived in England in December 1539, and Henry may have first seen Howard at that event. At court, she caught the kings attention, as he was quite quickly unhappy in his new marriage. Henry started courting Howard, and by May was publicly giving her gifts. Anne complained of this attraction to the ambassador from her homeland. Marriage Henry had his marriage to Anne of Cleves annulled on July 9, 1540. He then married Catherine Howard on July 28, generously bestowing jewelry and other expensive gifts on his much-younger and attractive bride. On their wedding day, Thomas Cromwell, who had arranged the marriage of Henry to Anne of Cleves, was executed. Howard was publicly made queen on August 8. Early the next year, Howard began a flirtation- perhaps more- with one of Henrys favorites, Thomas Culpeper, who was also a distant relative on her mothers side and who had a reputation for lechery. Arranging their clandestine meetings was Howards lady of the privy chamber, Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford, widow of George Boleyn who had been executed with his sister Anne Boleyn. Only Lady Rochford and Katherine Tilney were permitted into Howards rooms when Culpeper was present. Whether Culpeper and Howard were lovers or whether she was pressured by him but did not acquiesce to his sexual advances is unknown. Howard was even more reckless than to pursue that relationship; she brought her old lovers Manox and Dereham to court as well, as her musician and secretary. Dereham bragged about their relationship, and she may have made the appointments in an attempt to silence them about their past. Charges On November 2, 1541, Cranmer confronted Henry with the allegations about Howards indiscretions. Henry at first did not believe the allegations. Dereham and Culpeper confessed to their part in these relationships after being tortured, and Henry abandoned Howard. Cranmer zealously pursued the case against Howard. She was charged with unchastity before her marriage and with concealing her precontract and her indiscretions from the king before their marriage, thereby committing treason. She was also accused of adultery, which for a queen consort was also treason. A number of Howards relatives were also questioned about her past, and some were charged with treasonous acts for concealing her sexual past. These relatives were all pardoned, though some lost their property. On November 23, Howards title of queen was stripped from her. Culpeper and Dereham were executed on December 10 and their heads displayed on London Bridge. Death On January 21, 1542, Parliament passed a bill of attainder making Howards actions an executable offense. She was taken to the Tower of London on February 10, Henry signed the bill of attainder, and she was executed on the morning of February 13. Like her cousin Anne Boleyn, also beheaded for treason, Howard was buried without any marker in the chapel of St Peter ad Vincula. During Queen Victorias reign in the 19th century, both bodies were exhumed and identified, and their resting places were marked. Jane Boleyn, Lady Rochford, was also beheaded. She was  buried with Howard. Legacy Historians and scholars have struggled to reach a consensus about Howard, with some describing her as a deliberate troublemaker and others characterizing her as an innocent victim of King Henrys rages. Howard has been depicted in a variety of plays, films, and television series, including The Private Life of Henry VIII and The Tudors. Ford Madox Ford wrote a fictionalized version of her life in the novel The Fifth Queen. Sources Crawford, Anne.  Letters of the Queens of England, 1100-1547. Alan Sutton, 1994.Fraser, Antonia. The Wives of Henry VIII. 1993.Weir, Alison.  The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Grove Weidenfeld, 1991.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

Sex Chromosome Abnormalities Sex chromosome abnormalities occur as a result of chromosome mutations brought on by mutagens (like radiation) or problems that occur during meiosis. One type of mutation is caused by chromosome breakage. The broken chromosome fragment may be deleted, duplicated, inverted, or translocated to a non-homologous chromosome. Another type of mutation occurs during meiosis and causes cells to have either too many or not enough chromosomes. Alterations in the number of chromosomes in a cell can result in changes in an organisms phenotype or physical traits. Normal Sex Chromosomes In human sexual reproduction, two distinct gametes fuse to form a zygote. Gametes are reproductive cells produced by a type of cell division called meiosis. They contain only one set of chromosomes and are said to be haploid (one set of 22 autosomes and one sex chromosome). When the haploid male and female gametes unite in a process called fertilization, they form what is called a zygote. The zygote is diploid, meaning that it contains two sets of chromosomes (two sets of 22 autosomes and two sex chromosomes). The male gametes, or sperm cells, in humans and other mammals are heterogametic and contain one of two types of sex chromosomes. They have either an X or a Y sex chromosome. However, the female gametes or eggs contain only the X sex chromosome and are homogametic. The sperm cell determines the sex of an individual in this case. If a sperm cell containing an X chromosome fertilizes an egg, the resulting zygote will be XX or female. If the sperm cell contains a Y chromosome, then the resulting zygote will be XY or male. X and Y Chromosome Size Difference The Y chromosome carries genes that direct the development of male gonads and the male reproductive system. The Y chromosome is much smaller than the X chromosome (about 1/3 the size) and has fewer genes than the X chromosome. The X chromosome is thought to carry around two thousand genes, while the Y chromosome has less than one hundred genes. Both chromosomes were once about the same size. Structural changes in the Y chromosome resulted in the rearrangement of genes on the chromosome. These changes meant that recombination could no longer occur between large segments of the Y chromosome and its X homologue during meiosis. Recombination is important for weeding out mutations, so without it, mutations accumulate faster on the Y chromosome than on the X chromosome. The same type of degradation is not observed with the X chromosome because it still maintains the ability to recombine with its other X homologue in females. Over time, some of the mutations on the Y chromosome have resulted in the deletion of genes and have contributed to the decrease in the size of the Y chromosome. Sex Chromosome Abnormalities Aneuploidy is a condition characterized by the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes. If a cell has an additional chromosome, (three instead of two), it is trisomic for that chromosome. If the cell is missing a chromosome, it is monosomic. Aneuploid cells occur as a result of either chromosome breakage or nondisjunction errors that happen during meiosis. Two types of errors occur during nondisjunction: homologous chromosomes dont separate during anaphase I of meiosis I or sister chromatids dont separate during anaphase II of meiosis II.Nondisjunction results in some abnormalities, including: Klinefelter syndrome is a disorder in which males have an extra X chromosome. The genotype for males with this disorder is XXY. People with Klinefelter syndrome may also have more than one extra chromosome resulting in genotypes which include XXYY, XXXY, and XXXXY. Other mutations result in males that have an extra Y chromosome and a genotype of XYY. These males were once thought to be taller than average males and overly aggressive based on prison studies. Additional studies, however, have found XYY males to be normal.Tuner syndrome is a condition that affects females. Individuals with this syndrome, also called monosomy X, have a genotype of only one X chromosome (XO).Trisomy X females have an additional X chromosome and are also referred to as metafemales (XXX). Nondisjunction can occur in autosomal cells as well. Down syndrome is most commonly the result of nondisjunction affecting autosomal chromosome 21. Down syndrome is also referred to as trisomy 21 because of the extra chrom osome. The following table includes information on sex chromosome abnormalities, resulting syndromes, and phenotypes (expressed physical traits). Genotype Sex Syndrome Physical Traits XXY, XXYY, XXXY male Klinefelter syndrome sterility, small testicles, breast enlargement XYY male XYY syndrome normal male traits XO female Turner syndrome sex organs dont mature at adolescence, sterility, short stature XXX female Trisomy X tall stature, learning disabilities, limited fertility Sex Chromosome Abnormalities

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Administrative Law (Australia) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Administrative Law (Australia) - Research Paper Example According to Mark Tunshets,( Jones, Ian. The anisminic revolution in Australian administrative law: an analysis of extended jurisdictional error. Turramurra, N.S.W.: Local Legal, 1998. Print.)Judicial review in Australia has a lot of authority since it is only the high court that can interpret the constitution. Judicial review in Australia is complicated by clause 5 of the constitution. This clause provides that all the amendments done by the commonwealth parliament are binding to Australia. This is because the courts mandated to interpret the law must decide if the law is binding to Australia (Canberra, 2005). The chief justice Marshall asserted that judicial review is incredibly paramount in the Australian legal system(Fordham, Michael. Judicial review handbook. 5th ed. Oxford: Portland, OR :, 2008. Print.). In 1951, justice Fellugar proposed that the principle of Madison v. Marbury is adopted as axiomatic(Johnston, Richard E.. The effect of judicial review on federal-state relatio ns in Australia, Canada, and the United States. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969. Print.). This is because the many criticisms of the principle were accepted and justified. Despite an express implication in the constitution of Australia, judges and scholars have proposed that judicial review is paramount and has immense effects on the legal system. Judicial review is mostly done by the high courts since it is at the top of the legal structure. Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are under the supervision by the high court. The essential jurisdiction which is conferred to High Court in section 75 is to issue prerogative and constitutional writs. This has been expanded in section  75(iii) whereby a person suing on behalf of the Commonwealth, is bonafied party.   Section 33 in the judiciary Act 1901 extends the authority of High Court to question public law (Le?tourneau 1976). A chief factor that has affected the levels of court review in High Court is the alternative remedies available which are not subject to the same limitations.   Declarations and injunctions are the key illustrations.   For instance, the declaration made by the high court that the commission on Queensland Justice did not observe fair procedures where mandamus was not appropriate and that certiorari did not mislead. Judicial decision reviews in Australia and other nations has seen the development of the legal systems. This is characterized by fair judgments, timely judgments, and equitable treatment of individuals by the judicature (Leon 1951). Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are bound by the high court. The essential jurisdiction which is conferred in the High Court in section 75 is to issue prerogative and constitutional writs. The judicial reviews should be done with a lot of integrity because it might lead to a constitutional crisis as well as violence. No party should be biased or favored by a judicial review. The parties involved should be treated equally (Kanigsberg 1952). A) Compare the breadth and flexibility of ADJR â€Å"order of review â€Å"remedy with prerogative writs plus injunction and declaration. The judicial review remedies can be classified into three categories. These are prerogative writs, equitable remedies of injunction and declaration, and the statutory remedies. Though the other courts can deal with some constitutional issues, they are under supervision by the high court. The essential jurisdiction of the High Court in section75 (v) is to issue prero

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Hazardous Noise Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hazardous Noise Case Study - Essay Example The exposure period for the employees is 8 hours per day. The frequency of exposure and duration of exposure to the hazard is high. The TWA for noise for the employees was found to be between 88 Db(A) to 97 Db(A) which are above the recommended levels an indication of the severity of its consequences. 1. Elimination- This includes looking for ways of eliminating the hazard in order to reduce any risk occurrence. Elimination reduces risks exposures to acceptable levels. The original risk highly critical and frequent. 2. Warnings- This will involve the use of alerting and warning techniques and hazard warning labels. These control measures are lower order controls that reduce risk exposures to acceptable levels (Manuele, 2011). The original risk highly catastrophic and frequent. 3. Administrative controls- This will include the application of safeguards and installation of ventilation systems. Other administrative controls include training of the employees as well as safe working procedures. The original risk highly catastrophic and probable. 4. Personal protective equipment- It involves the incorporation of safety devices for use by the employees. This reduces risk exposures to the employees. The original risk highly catastrophic and probable. 5. Engineering controls- Engineering controls will include the use of safeguarding technology to safeguard the employees from any hazard (Manuele, 2011). The original risk highly catastrophic and occasional. 6. Substitution of less hazardous processes, materials, equipment or operation- Substituting hazardous processes or methods with less hazardous one is a control measure. This leads to a substitution of a risky and hazardous process with a less risky and hazardous one. Substitution leads to the attainment of a tolerable level of risk. The original risk highly catastrophic and frequent. The shop seems to be at a high risk exposure and

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Developing a Safe Scientific Workplace

Developing a Safe Scientific Workplace In a scientific workplace there are many various aspects that enable workers to do their job safely knowing they are protected from various precautions and laws. These aspects can be split up into the following sections: hazard symbols and hazcards, risk assessments, protective clothing and equipment, COSHH, CLEAPSS and HSE, general laboratory practises and quality standards. Hazards symbols and hazcards Harmful This is a substance that will most likely cause harm to the body if it comes in contact with the skin or ingested. An example of a harmful substance is chloroform, for the safety in a work place this substance would be stored in a tightly close and sealed container in a well-ventilated room as it can give off harmful fumes. Explosive This is a substance that combusts with a lot of energy when exposed to heat or a flame. An example of a substance that is explosive is ammonium nitrate, explosive substances must be stored in a durable box with a tight lid away from any heat source, as well as this is must be stored low down in case it is an impact explosive. Oxidising Oxidising is a substance that do not burn by themselves but they provide oxygen for flammable substances to burn. An example of a substance like this is potassium nitrate, for oxidising substances like this they must be placed in a tub/bottle with a lid on and store away from any flammable materials for the safety of people working with this product. Flammable A flammable product is when a substance is subjected to a high heat it produces a flame. An example of a flammable substance is gasoline/petrol which is highly flammable in liquid and vapour form. To store this and many other flammable substances it must be placed in preferably a durable metal container with a tight lid on so no substance or fumes will be let out, it also must be kept away from high heat or any source of flame. Corrosive A corrosive substance has the ability to deteriorate and burn away a surface, this is usually the skin in a science workplace. An example of a corrosive substance is hydrofluoric acid, this is a liquid as are most corrosive substances so they are stored in similar ways, they must be stored in unreactive plastic containers that have a tight lid on to avoid spillages. Irritant An irritant substance closely relates to harmful but doesn’t cause as much harm, an irritant causes irritation to the surface of the skin therefor can cause red marks. An example of this is acetone, this must be stored in a tough bottle with a safety lid that is usually stored on a shelf or in a cupboard. Toxic Toxic is labelled to substances that if exposed to it can cause death if enough is in contact with the body. An example of this would be ricin which is extracted from a bean off a plant, it is usually in powder form. For this particular substance and many other toxic substances it must be stored in a container with a secure lid and store in a locked cupboard, safe or room. Biohazard A biohazard is used in the labelling of biological materials that carry a significant health risk to humans. An example of this would be carmine which is a natural red pigment. To store biohazards they must be stored in a bottle or tub with a safety lid on which is locked away from humans and non-workers. Radioactive A radioactive substance emits energy as electromagnetic waves or moving subatomic particles causing ionization. An example of a radioactive material is uranium, all radioactive material must be stored within a radioactive proof area like in lead which stops radioactive particles from passing through, keep in a safe which also stops radiation. Environmental hazards Environmental hazards can cause harm to the environment meaning both plants and animals. An example of this would be mercury, mercury is a highly toxic metallic liquid. To store this place in a plastic bottle with a secure cap on top, as well as this keep it away from any drainage source as well as animals, plants or the outside. Risk assessments There are 3 categories under risk assessments, these are chemical hazards, physical hazards and biological hazards. Risk assessments are usually taken before an experiment, practical or before a job is undertaken. The following example risk assessment of the 3 categories is from when I completed the preparation of aspirin. Chemical hazards Chemical hazards are chemicals that can cause harm to the body if exposed to the skin or ingested. An example of a chemical hazard would be a corrosive burn from concentrated sulphuric acid, this would be a high risk and as a precaution you should wear gloves and carefully use, make sure to use in fume cupboard to avoid spillages on work surfaces, wear lab jackets too to protect core body, wear safety glasses to protect eyes. This would be the same for another chemical hazard which is irritation for ethanoic anhydride which unlike sulphuric acid is a low risk. In the case of the substance being in contact with the skin wash off quickly and put the area affected in ice or cold water. Physical hazards Physical hazards are something that can cause harm to the body excluding chemicals or biological substances. For example slipping on water spillages, this can be seen as a moderate hazard if equipment isnt set up correctly or if carelessness occurs. To avoid this make sure apparatus is in the middle of a flat bench and make sure if it uses water to connect it properly so avoid leaks, in the case of a spillage simply mop up using paper towels, if the slipping occurs then if injured get a first aid officer to check you. As well as this another example could be cuts from glass breakage which is once again a moderate risk if not properly cleared up, to avoid this make sure to handle equipment carefully, do not grip too hard or too little to avoid shattering, place in the middle of benches to avoid knocking off, keep a brush and glass bucket in case of breakage. In the case of cuts happening wash the wound and cover in a plaster, if deep then go to hospital to get stiches. Biological hazards A biological hazard is a substance that causes a threat to the health of a person, in the practical I did there was only one biological hazard which was the product aspirin itself, it caused a low risk but a moderate risk if ingested as we made it ourselves. To avoid this make sure to wear disposable gloves in case the product gets on your hands, if products gets on skin wash off and to no put product in the mouth. In case any of it is ingested you must go hospital as it wasn’t commercially made. Protective clothing and equipment Protective clothing equipment more commonly known as personal protective equipment is pieces of clothing or equipment that will protect the user against health or safety risks at work. It can include items such as safety gloves, eye protection such as goggles, visors and glasses, safety footwear and lab coat. Lab coat A lab coat is made out of cotton which absorbs the chemicals spilt onto the coat, because of this it is used to protect the core body and arm and stops yourself from being damaged in many different laboratory situations. Protective gloves Protective gloves are worn when there is a chance if a substance can harm your hands, the gloves are made out of neoprene or latex that are resistant to chemicals and are used to protect your hands when using something potentially harmful. Goggles These are used to give extra protection to the eyes, it covers all of your eyes including top bottom and sides, they have a PVC frame with polycarbonate lenses giving it strength whilst protecting eyes at it is unreactive. Visor These are used to cover whole of the face when using something potentially reactive/explosive, like the goggles they have a PVC frame with a polycarbonate visor giving it strength and protecting the whole face from chemical splashed due to the unreactive nature. Safety glasses Used to cover the front of the eyes and are used in all experiments as a safety precaution, like the previous two protective equipment, they have a PVC frame and polycarbonate lense giving strength and an unreactive ability. Safety boots Used to protect your feet when working around heavy objects that can potentially fall, safety boots are made out of leather and have steel toe caps, leather as a high resistance to chemicals, heat and flames and steel has a high breaking strength protecting the toes. COSHH, CLEAPSS and HSE COSHH, CLEAPSS and HSE are all laws that enable working in a scientific workplace to be carried out safely. COSHH COSHH is a law that requires employers to control substances that are hazardous to health. Most businesses use substances, or products that are mixtures of substances. Some processes create substance which could cause harm to employees, contractors and other people so must be disposed of properly. CLEAPSS CLEAPSS is an advisory service providing support in science and technology for a consortium of local authorities and their schools. The law includes: Independent schools, post-16 colleges, teacher training establishments and curriculum developers. CLEAPSS stands for Consortium of Local Education Authorities for the Provision of Science Equipment. HSE The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is the national independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness. It acts in the public interest to reduce work-related death and serious injury across Great Britain’s workplaces. The Act makes sure to secure the health, safety and welfare of persons at work, for protecting others against risks to health or safety in connection with the activities of persons at work. General laboratory practises General Laboratory Practice includes a set of codes that provides an outline within a laboratory in which studies are planned, performed, monitored, recorded, reported and archived. These studies are undertaken to help assure regulatory authorities that the data submitted is a true reflection of the results obtained during the experiment/practical that has been completed and can therefore be relied upon when making assessments. This is part of a quality assurance procedure which is aimed at ensuring that products are consistently manufactured to a quality appropriate to their intended use. They provide guidelines for quality control and assurance in testing laboratories. Quality standards Quality standards look into all ranges of care, these can include examples like public health, healthcare, social care. Evidence relating to effectiveness and cost effectiveness, peoples experience of using services, safety issues, equality and cost impact are also considered. Although some standards are area-specific, there will often be substantial overlap across areas and this is considered during building of the standard. Where appropriate referrals are combined and developed as a combined quality standard. Many of the quality standards are started by the international standards organisation. Other commonly known organisations originating from the international standards organisation include: British Standards which is mostly used in the UK and Europe.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Pride and Poverty Essay

â€Å"It is a beggars pride that he is not a thief† (Japanese Proverb). In today’s economy people are shameless and would rather be on welfare and disability than get a job and earn a living. Pride has been discarded, and poverty has become normal. People in today’s society would rather lie and steal then make an honest living that they are proud of. However in Frank McCourt’s memoir Angela’s Ashes pride and poverty go hand in hand. During the time this memoir was taking place many families were very poor and didn’t have many possessions. One thing they could always hold dear was their pride. â€Å"The master says it is a glorious thing to die for the faith and Dad says it is a glorious thing to die for Ireland† (McCourt 113). This is important because from a young age children were taught to be proud of who they were and what they believed in. They were also raised in an era where it was almost assumed that every adult person either was an alcoholic or smoked cigarettes. It was â€Å"the norm†. Not because of an addiction but as a status quo or for relaxation during hard times. â€Å"A puff of the fag is the only comfort we have in the world† (McCourt 64). As Mam’s friend, Nora, says this Mr. Quinlivan he gets angry because he understands that all of the women at the St. Vincent De Paul have families at home starving but they can still find money to buy cigarettes. Pride is truly a huge part of the memoir. Frank clearly shows this in his writing: â€Å"Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out on Christmas Day picking coal off the road. There’s no use asking Dad to go because he will never stoop that low and even if he did he won’t carry things through the streets† (McCourt 99). This shows that even as a young child Frankie understands that even though his family isn’t â€Å"the poorest of the poor† his parent’s lifestyle force him and his brothers to humilify themselves and humbly do things to survive. Frankie gets frustrated at his parents when he gets older and starts to realize they can spend so much money on cigarettes and alcohol but they never have enough food in the house. â€Å" There may be a lack of tea or bread in the house but Mam and Dad always manage to get the fags† (McCourt 138). Even though the McCourt family doesn’t have any money Mam sends Malachy to the store to get cigarettes on their family’s tab. Throughout the book Mam and Dad spend a lot of money on cigarettes and alcohol and it isn’t necessarily for an addiction but for a getaway of sorts.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Becoming a Philosphy Scholar Too! - 1457 Words

Dear Student, Although Philosophy 3000 may be a required course at Fordham University, that does not mean it will not quickly become one of your favorite courses. If you are lucky enough to have Professor Sajber as your professor, I can guarantee that the various philosophers theories about morals and ethics that you will study will seem to come to life through open class discussions on hypothetical scenarios and examples to help you better understand the content, while relating it to realistic situations. Learning about the different philosophers theories on moral judgment allows you to question your own morals while looking at morality through a different lens. The philosophies on morality that truly made me rethink my moral judgment through presenting me with a different ethical perspective were the philosophers David Hume, Jeremy Bentham, and Immanuel Kant. The reading that resonated with me the most was David Hume’s, A Treatise of Human Nature. Before I began reading the text, I had a preconceived notion that Hume’s theory on moral decision-making was probably outdated and would not be able to be applied to today’s moral and ethical beliefs in society. However, my initial instinct was wrong and as soon as I delved deep into reading Hume’s theory, I quickly realized that his sentimentalist approach was a fresh perspective from other philosophers, such as Kant, who solely focus on morality through reason and the act of duty. Instead, Hume argues that reason is inShow MoreRelatedSocrates and Properties Essay3228 Words   |  13 Pagesmoment when the future of that interest might be in some doubt. But by offering consistently challenging and novel interpretations, and by arguing clearly and vigorously for their positions with reference both to the texts and to the work of other scholars, the authors guarantee a continuing debate on the topics. It is certainly one of the best introductions there is to Socratic thought, together with Vlastos Socrates, Ironist and Moral Philosopher and posthumous companion volume Socratic Studies

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Mental Illness And Substance Abuse - 1133 Words

Abstract Families who are dealing with members who have mental illness and substance abuse face many problems. Particularly schizophrenia is characterized by delusional thoughts, seeing and hearing things that others don’t see or hear, loss of emotional expression and problems with cognitive skills and motivation (Elements, 2014). In some cases schizophrenia can cause the onset of substance abuse, in other cases substance abuse can mimic symptoms of schizophrenia. Medications such as antipsychotics can assist individuals with the symptoms of schizophrenia as long as they are properly diagnosed. Yet antipsychotics are proven to have significant side effects, some even life threatening (Muench Hamer 2010). A cycle can then begin to occur with individuals who are using substances to self-medicate. The purpose of this paper is to determine and explain the cycle that can occur with individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia who self-medicate with substances as well as the cycle of a ntipsychotics. Treatment will be discussed in the scope of treating the whole family. Keywords: mental illness, schizophrenia, antipsychotics, typical, atypical, substance abuse, cycle, self-medicate, treatment INTRODUCTION Schizophrenia is an illness that is chronic, severe and debilitating (NIMH, 2015). It is characterized by delusional thoughts, seeing and hearing things that others don’t see or hear, loss of emotional expression and problems with cognitive skills and motivationShow MoreRelatedSubstance Abuse And Mental Illness990 Words   |  4 PagesA Review of Substance Abuse and Mental Illness Substance use is very common among people diagnosed with mental illness. This paper will examine the results of two studies on, at high risk and want to quit: Marijuana use among adults with depression or serious psychological distress by Yuyan Shi (2014). Factors associated with depression and suicide attempts in patients undergoing rehabilitation for substance use by Ortiz-Gomez, Lopez-Canul, and Arankowsky-Sanoval (2014). In conducting their studyRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Mental Illness2671 Words   |  11 Pagesill and substance abuse. Substance abuse is often seen in adolescents and adults, whether they are mentally ill or not. Mental illness and substance abuse is more commonly known as a dual diagnosis. Often times, the treatment for this particular diagnosis is harder to treat than if each condition were treated on its own. Early treatment of dually diagnosed disorders may be a prevention strategy to end future problematic behaviors. The combination of substance abuse and mental illness can be dueRead MoreMental Illness And Substance Abuse901 Words   |  4 PagesResearchers have found that a link exists between mental illness and substance abuse, which may have complications on the actual treatment for mental illness. It is very important for the addiction counselor to properly understand both the differences between acute primary psychiatric disorders and any underlying psychiatric sy mptoms, caused by alcohol and other drugs. Sometimes the addiction needs to be treated first in order for the mental illness to be properly identified and successfully treatedRead MoreHomelessness And Substance Abuse And Mental Illness Essay2659 Words   |  11 Pagesthe closure of asylums in the Sixties and Seventies, and mental illness. Substance abuse often goes hand in hand with homelessness although there is debate as to which comes first. More over a number of individuals not only suffer from homelessness and substance abuse but also mental illness as well. This population struggles to have their basic needs of food and shelter met, so receiving adequate treatment for substance abuse and mental illness is often difficult. Two main treatment modalities areRead MoreMental Illness And Substance Abuse Problems1563 Words   |  7 Pagespopulation who have mental illness or substance abuse problems. The first section of this literature review explores programs on help people with mental illness or substance abuse, the second section discusses finding health care for them and lastly, the third section reviews effective discharge planning. Effective Treatment Modalities: Programs Most of the research supports the use of programs to reduce recidivism among formerly incarcerated population with substance abuse and mental issues. This studyRead MoreMental Illness And Substance Abuse Problem Essay1937 Words   |  8 PagesLiving with in poverty with a mental illness and a substance abuse problem is not an easy job. The struggles of life as well as a traumatic event can cause a person brain to malfunction. There is approximately 27 % of the United States population that fits the criteria for a mental illness. Mental illness, substance abuse, and poverty go hand and hand. However, health care providers call mental illness and substance use a dual diagnosis or a co-occurring disorder when combined. Dual diagnosis isRead MoreCase Study : Mental Illness Substance Abuse1766 Words   |  8 PagesName: Kristin Bondlow Program Name and Focus Program Name: MISA Treatment Program (MISA: Mental Illness Substance Abuse) Agency Name: Hope Recovery Services Program Focus (The social need the program will address): The Hope Recovery Services agency will involve a program known as MISA Treatment Program that focus on helping individuals with mental illnesses that are currently suffering from substance abuse. The MISA Treatment Program is residential. The agency will treat male and female clientsRead MoreRelationship Between Mental Illness, Substance Abuse Suicide1895 Words   |  8 Pagesbetween Mental Illness, Substance Abuse Suicide Erin Marteny Nearly one of every three of us experiences psychiatric symptoms each year. These range from the relatively minor, such as a short period of anxiety or grief during times of stress, to the severely disabling and painful. Nearly half of us have family member or a close friend with serious mental illness. In mental illness suicide rates are high among individuals with bipolar, depression and schizophrenia. History of Mental Illness MentalRead More Case Study: Impact on Children of Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence, and Mental Illness2706 Words   |  11 PagesStudies have shown that children who grow up in families where there is substance misuse, mental illness or domestic violence are more vulnerable to significant harm (Kendall-Taylor and Mikulak 2009).Children’s vulnerability usually stems from the effects of substance misuse, domestic violence or mental illness on parenting ability. Substance misuse, domestic violence and mental illness can result in parent’s finding it difficult to organize their lives to meet both their personal needs and theirRead MorePreventing Mental Illness And Substance Abuse Found Among Canada s First Nations Communities1326 Words   |  6 PagesIn interpreting the significance of the disproportionately high rates of mental illness and substance abuse found amongst Canada’s First Nations communities, it is critical to recognize that these groups have been lo ng marginalized, and typically live in remote areas bereft of sophisticated and large-scale health service facilities (Gone Trimble, 2012). With this reality in mind, the implications of the statistics and analyses presented above demonstrate that a very significant degree of institutionalized